From the Seasons series, illustrated by Marigold Plunkett. Two children and their dog, Leo enjoy day to day life in autumn. Walks in the woods, an apple harvest, watching a combine harvester, enjoying bonfire night with hot dogs and fireworks, back to school in uniform, harvest festival.... there's so much packed into this season that we wish it could last longer!
De la série Seasons, illustrée par Marigold Plunkett. Deux enfants et leur chien, Léo, profitent de la vie quotidienne en automne. Promenades dans les bois, récolte de pommes, observation d'une moissonneuse-batteuse, soirée de feu de joie avec hot-dogs et feux d'artifice, retour à l'école en uniforme, fête des récoltes... il y a tellement de choses dans cette saison que nous souhaitons qu'elle dure plus longtemps !
You get two files; the story in English and in French.
Read by Maddie
Autumn - Automne (MP3 audiobooks)
You will instantly receive a zipped file which contains two MP4a audiofiles. One is the story read in English and the other is the story in French. They are read by Maddie, who has lived in France from a very young age with her English family.