The story follows a group of children who decide to go for a walk in the woods in autumn. They discover birds and animals along the way and even some muddy puddles. Eventually they run into a wild boar who chases them home. They end the day with a lovely tea wearing masks of the animals they discovered. Subject = Woodland animals. This book has a vocabulary section in the center pages.
The book is written in English and French. Read the story in your native language to get to know it. Then flip the book over and it's the same story in your target language; it's like having 2 books in one, back to back! Beautifuly illustrated in pen and watercolours, by Maddy May. Bilingual French-English book for children ages 3-11.
Une Promenade dans les bois - A Woodland Walk (book)
21.6cm x 21.6cm. Soft cover full gloss, perfect bound. Full colour. 74 pages . Weight 0.434lbs. Authour Mandie Davis, Illustrator Maddy May. Produced and published by Les Puces. ISBN: 9780993156953